Believing the humans to have died out (a "simian flu" pandemic provided an apocalyptic footnote to Rise), the 2,000-odd gorillas, chimpanzees and orang-utans live a peaceful and prosperous existence until a chance encounter with a group of virus-resistant survivors provokes trigger-happy tragedy. In the original film series, a time-travel loop was required to teach apes to say "No" in Rise, bio-engineered science did the trick, the search for a cure for Alzheimer's becoming the accidental catalyst for a simian revolution.ĭawn picks up the story 10 years after the end of Rise, with Caesar (a brilliant Andy Serkis, once again performance-captured by the wizards at Weta Digital) and his comrades building a community in Muir Woods following the ravaging of San Francisco. It took British director Rupert Wyatt to get things back on track with his 2011 reboot, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, using eye-catching performance-capture technology in service of a solid script (by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver) that married the political clout of Conquest with the animal-rights themes of Boulle's source. Tim Burton's stylish but empty 2001 Planet remake somehow lost the thematic plot advanced prosthetics enabled the ape actors to move their mouths only to discover that they had little of substance to say.

Born amid the social upheavals of the late 60s and early 70s, the first cycle of five movies ( Planet, Beneath, Escape, Conquest and Battle) covered all the hot political topics of the day nuclear destruction, racism, vivisection, apartheid, slavery, warfare v diplomacy, revolution and, ultimately, reconciliation ( Battle ends with an unsteady truce and the hope of averting foretold catastrophe).

F rom its origins in Pierre Boulle's Swiftian 1963 novel La Planète des singes to this state-of-the art 21st-century 3D-CG cinema outing, the darkly satirical Apes saga has proved both resilient and flexible.